And into our circle . . . ~ Aurora Fatera

Join us in our Red Tent virtually or in person.

Bella creates a safe space for young women to share stories, ask questions, and learn about their sacred journey towards maiden in this age.

She explains how a woman's blood time is more than just a "physical" experience, and represents our blessed connection to each other, the cosmos, and balance in our selves to contact the womb grid to access sacred wisdom from our awakening intuition.

Topics Covered

  • Blood Magick
  • Self-care
  • Nutrition
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Phases of the Moon
  • When Women Bleed
  • Why Women Bleed
  • Words We Use to Talk About Our Blood Time & Why

Bella takes from her past three year apprenticeship in Midwifery, her six years spent in the Red Tent, and her calm, sweet, loving, confident nature to communicate with sistars her own age to promote self awareness, self confidence, and unity amongst young women ages nine through fifteen.


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